Because this will probably not be a long-term solution you will need to discuss with your doctor what the options are to help you cope with your anxiety when your course of medication is over. He may suggest among other things therapy or even that you should join a support group, although this option may not be for everyone. But be assured there will be help for you. So now would seem to be a very good time to give some serious thought to how you can make some simple changes in your day-to-day life that will help you deal with your generalized anxiety order and bring back that so-called "normality" your life.
The first thing that you want to consider is your overall history. If you have never experienced a panic attack or anxiety in general, you are Telephone Number List less likely to develop postpartum anxiety after giving birth. However, if you have had panic attacks and general anxiety in the past then you may develop this condition after having a baby.
One of the tell-tale signs of postpartum anxiety is heart palpitations. These palpitations are quite noticeable and sometimes overwhelming. A woman who anxiety can have heart palpations that are so bad that she will seek treatment for a heart condition. Other symptoms include shaking and dizziness along with insomnia. There is definitely something wrong when you can't sleep when you are so exhausted. Women who have postpartum can't sleep but they feel very tired. In addition, the rapid heart rate and chest pains that they often experience interfere with their sleep patterns.