Shakti Mudra

Your Sacral Chakra is considered your second chakra. Its location lies approximately one hand width below your belly button. Due to its location, it's responsible for the reproductive system, colon, liver, and kidneys. The energy of the Sacral Chakra provides us with novel creative ideas, projects, and artistic endeavors. This information associated with the sacral chakra is important because it provides answers to behaviors that might make you feel out of balance. If you've ever felt emotionally unstable, fearful of change, or blocked creatively, your Sacral Chakra might be out of balance. Here are some examples of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra.
Underactive Sacral Chakra
Feeling unemotional
Feeling guarded
Not feeling excited about anything
Unable to focus
Out of touch with your creativity
Experiencing self-deprivation
Feeling detached
Feeling insecure
Low self-esteem
Sexual repression
Feeling jealous often
Comparing yourself to others
Acting shy or timid
Denying yourself of pleasure
Lack of passion or desire
Overactive Sacral Chakra
Having an excessive sex drive
Sexual addictions
Lack of boundaries
Acting dramatic
Abnormal menstruation
Compulsive behaviors
Experiencing tension or moodiness
Feeling frustrated often
Hypersensitive Emotions
Pain in the lower back, kidneys, or constipation
Emotional dependency or codependency
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be experiencing some subconscious trauma associated with the sacral chakra. Often, sexual trauma from past relationships or even childhood is harnessed here in the sacral chakra. As children, sexual trauma may be repressed as a defense mechanism by the brain. Although repressed, your behaviors, cognition, and physiology are very aware and can cause extreme behaviors. Below are a few ways you can begin to heal your sacral chakra. Many of these are simply exercises, cognitive awareness is necessary to overcome any issue.
How To Balance Your Sacral Chakra
Nature: Work with plants
Centering: stand straight up with your feet on the earth, focus on your feet and breathe deep.
Visualizations: close your eyes and imagine a glowing orange light right below your belly button. Open up wider if your chakra is underbalanced, or close if overactive
Guided Meditation: Find a mediation to focus on Sacral Chakra
Yoga: Hip opening positions
Mantra: Vam (vibration of D note)
Crystals: Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite
Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Cypress, Tangerine, Orange
Affirmations: "I am authentically creative a life of bliss and balance" "I am creative"