Rural Mudra

Have you ever wondered where the source of your "gut instinct" reactions came about? The Solar Plexus Chakra is considered your third chakra and is located in your upper abdomen, and is considered the source of those "gut instincts." This chakra happens to be the center of personal power which influences self-esteem, inner drive, and a sense of worth.
Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra
Feelings of low self-esteem
Feeling a lack of self-trust
Having a weak will
Trusting others more than yourself
Experiencing slow digestion
Experiencing victim mentality
Feeling unreliable
Being unable to take on responsibilities
Feeling overly trusting of others
Lacking confidence in your abilities
Being unable to stand up for yourself
Feeling low energy and sloth-like
Giving more of yourself than you have
Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra
Being overly aggressive
Feeling a need to be right
Being bossy
Feeling power-hungry
Feeling competitive
Feeling attracted to sedatives
Acting conceited
Being self-centered
Feeling hyperactive
Having a narrow-mindset
Acting recklessly without fear
Feeling no trust in others
Experiencing fast digestion
Taking on too much responsibility
Your Solar Plexus is your power source, who you are to the depth of your core without external influences. Seeking balance in your solar plexus can help you take back control in areas of your life that you feel is out of control.
Nature: do something that challenges you or makes you over come a fear.
Shielding: Be aware of others words that attempt to take your power.
Visualizations: imagibe a glowing yellow light above your belly button
Yoga: All core strengthening positions
Mantra: Ram (at the vibration of E note)
Crystals: Amber, Sunstone, Citrine, Orange Calcite
Essential Oils: bergamot, clove, fennel, ginger
Affirmations: "I am powerful, confident and successful in all my endeavors"